Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Barcelona, Spain Visit the website

Created in 2001, CITCEA-UPC belongs to the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and it is devoted to research, innovation and technological transfer to the industry.

Currently, eight CITCEA-UPC members belong to the staff of professors of UPC and the rest of the team consists of engineers, PhD students and master students, more than sixty people. The group activity is focused on mechatronics and enertronics fields. Mecatronics combines the fundamentals of mechanical, electrical, power electronics and computer engineering.

Enertonics is the synergistic combination of power system engineering, smart system engineering, computing and control systems. Beside de research and innovation activities of the centre, the professors own a Spin-off company called TeknoCEA that is in charge of transferring research results to the market.

Tasks in the project
Within the INVADE Project, UPC is responsible to define the overall architecture, the detailed control algorithm of the flexibility management system, and operate the test-lab for the INVADE platform, as well as giving support for other tasks.

UPC leads WP2 Dissemination and Communication, and WP4 Overall INVADE architecture

Core competences
In the enertronics research field the competences for the project are:

  • Power system operation
  • Renewable energy technology
  • Smart Grids
  • Electric vehicles integration in power systems
  • Power system architecture design
  • Storage technology integration in power systems
  • Energy management systems design and implementation
  • Electricity markets and local markets design and implementation

In the mechatronics research field, the competences for the project are:

  • Power electronics
  • Energy resources emulators
  • Industrial communications
  • Control engineering
  • Motor drives