Lyse Elnett AS is a Norwegian industrial group with roots back to the early 1900s, based in Stavanger, and working within the fields of energy and fibre-based broadband.
Lyse has 1100 employees and is owned by 16 municipalities in the county of Rogaland. Operating income in 2015 was 622 mill. euros with a profit of 75 mill. euros.
The company holds a nationally leading position within fibre-optic broadband. The combination with its operations in renewable energy and home automation gives it a unique position to participate in projects dedicated to further developing distributed energy solutions.
Hence, Lyse Elnett participates as partner in the INVADE consortium because it is responsible for development, maintenance and daily operations of the grid covering the southern parts of Rogaland county. The aim is for Lyse to be the most efficient and profitable grid operator in Norway through revitalising operations and development. Its EBITDA in 2015 was 34 million euros and it supplies well over 140.000 customers. Currently, Lyse Elnett through its sister company Smartly AS is converting to AMS, along with installing smart generic gateways at the same time for all customers.
Tasks in the project
Lyse will contribute with the entire life cycle of pilots implementation in Norway and will contribute with their experience and knowledge in business models and energy market structures development. Lyse also supports exploitation, and in general extend dissemination and communication activities.
Lyse will lead WP 9 and will be responsible for pilots implementation in Norway Task 10.3 within WP10 Pilots.
Core competences
Lyse Elnett is the Lyse groups DSO and is responsible for the energy grid in the south-west of Norway, covering more than 140.000 households and businesses. The regulator in Norway has decided that all customers must have Automatic Meter Reading (AMS/AMR) by YE 2018. Lyse Elnett has chosen a generic solution through their sub-provider Smartly, which has provided Lyse Elnett with an AMS-solution that exploits a generic smart gateway and a new four-quadrant meter, enabling them to do near real time readings of meter data. The generic smart gateway also opens up for delivering other energy-based services. By Q1-2016, this solution has been rolled out to more than 50.000 buildings. Lyse Elnett is already facing a massive introduction of EVs in the grid, and the grid is already feeling the impact from them. At the same time, there is a strong need to upgrade the LV-network, and finding good solutions that can postpone these investments, as well as coping with the strong EV growth is crucial for Lyse Elnett. At the same time, it is also important that the INVADE platform can prove its value to DSOs that already have deployed smart industrial AMS solutions (Smartly), and one of our goals will therefore be to prove how we can exploit and integrate the highly advanced features in the INVADE-platform. Examples of such features are machine learning, real time analytics and cloud-based solutions and scalability.