Albena JsCo

Albena, Bulgaria Visit the website

Albena is an integrated brand, incorporating hotel facilities, auxiliary services, agriculture, renewable energy, etc. with strong synergy effects and focus on sustainable growth.

Situated on the Bulgarian Black Sea Cost, Albena Resort attracts more than 200.000 visitors with its 40 hotels, over 100 restaurants and 3,2 km finest sand beach, realizing 1,5 million overnights each summer. For the last 45 years, Albena has been developing a company in the spirit of innovations, high-quality services and strong fundamentals, successfully fulfilling the customers’ requirements and building shareholders’ value.

The strategy of the company is to build up a sustaining product that incorporates tourist services, agriculture and renewable energy. The daughter company Eco Agro JSCo is one of the leading agricultural producers in Northwestern Bulgaria. The total area of owned land is 18.650da with the goal to grow highest quality bio and eco-crops. Most of the production goes directly into the kitchens of the Albena hotels and is offered to the tourists.

After the start of implementation of the next level of Albena’s environment friendly long-term corporate strategy by utilizing its renewable energy potentials, most of the hotels have been equipped with state of art solar thermal stations and thermal pumps. By investing in 2012 in the construction of a biogas plant Albena closes a no-residue cycle where most of the waste is eliminated by production of electricity and heat through biogas produced from bio digesting substances. Added value after biogas production is also in the produced organic manure that is re-used by the farms that grow the main raw material – silage maize. Actually, this production does not generate any waste and is fully environmentally friendly.

Tasks in the project

  • Implementation and exploitation of the storage concep
  • Provide operating field
  • Provide and maintain remote platform for other project participants

WP10 pilots Task 10.5 Pilots in Bulgaria

Core competences
Smart energy systems, renewable energy sources, stakeholders management, local energy markets.